Thursday, October 31, 2019

Amnesia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Amnesia - Essay Example There are other details of amnesia of this kind which vary according to different conditions. In contrast functional or psychological amnesia has been classically retrograde meaning the person is not able to recollect past experience. With the recent surge in awareness of relation between body, cognition, intellect, and mind, a newer branch of science, namely, cognitive neuropsychiatry examines this psychic disease process more intensely. In this assignment two articles, one from the news or popular lay media and the other from scientific experimental literature will be examined critically in order to find out the scientific information and knowledge update related to psychological amnesia with the basic research hypothesis, although no organic brain lesion has been demonstrated in functional amnesia, there is a solid scientific basis and cause effect relationship for this type of amnesia. Killian (2009) in his article titled "Amnesia put her life on hold; now, she's graduating" in May 15, 2009, NewsRecord describes the case of Marshall, who following a bout of viral encephalitis in the senior year of her high school had amnesia. This followed an illness of high fever, followed by loss of memories. The author quotes Marshall's experience of sudden loss of memory, which led to loss of all touch to her old and acquainted environment, and following this incident, she could not remember anything of her past life, and it was something like "first memory of the world" at all. She could not recognize any one in her family, but she could remember habitual works such as "tying the lace of my shoes." This illness led to her admission to the hospital where her stay lasted for 7 days. During this time, it was diagnosed that the infection involved certain areas of brain where certain types of memories and skills were affected. After coming back home, the previously used practiced tasks were difficult to do, and she needed help in her household chores. There was obviously an identity crises where she failed to recognize herself, family, or even personal things as her own. Her academic achievements in the school before this incident were outstanding, both in studies and extracurricular activities. She had been a outgoing student at North Iredell High School. She was a musician and a drum major in the school band. After this incident, she was withdrawn and shy, and her former friends appeared to her as strangers, and this led to considerable alienation. There was obviously a change in her personality, but her amnesia contributed to it in a greater extent. Her mother pursued her educations, and since she had enough credits from her school, with her grades she was accepted in many schools. On the day of her high school graduation she could not make out what is graduation, and how it was important for her, although her family was very happy for her. A break came while she followed a program Starting Over, when she decided not to join college and decided that she will have to rebuild her connections with the real world. She was growing but very slowly, and in this reality TV show, she came to realize what she had lost and how she can progress in her life with new goals. Meanwhile, she joined college with her brother, and she decided to major in communications. She is expected to graduate soon. This news is a report of an incident where the author has taken poetic license.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Compare my experience in taking an online course versus that of a Essay

Compare my experience in taking an online course versus that of a traditional classroom course - Essay Example , weigh the facts, make connections and use this information to achieve a wide variety of outputs, the â€Å"acquisition of skills, knowledge and attitudes† (Boradbent, 2002: 111) that makes a successful learner. For me, a rich learning experience is found whenever it becomes possible for students to be actively engaged in the learning process. This happens when the knowledge to be gained is transmitted in a way that encourages students to apply various learning techniques to the material thus making it possible for them to achieve lifelong learning in whatever area they choose. However, as more and more colleges begin to offer online courses, it is important to compare the level of learning that can be achieved in these classes as compared with more traditional environments. Before it is possible to determine which learning environment would be best for me, I first underwent a process of discovering my own personal learning style. This was a difficult process because I didn’t seem to have any one way in which I learned best. David Kolb suggested that there are basically four different types of learning styles used by the majority of students to differing degrees. Within his classification system, I recognized two methods that particularly applied to my individual learning style including the diverger and the accommodator (Kolb, 2002: 114). What helps me to learn best is when I find myself in an open environment where discussions can take place without being afraid of offending and where ideas can be explored. However, there are times when even this is not exactly the best option for me as I just need to engage in some passive activity, learning from other people’s ideas. This is not unusual as Boradbent indicates, â€Å"learning styles ar e not cast in concrete. Learners are not always hooked on one style† (2002: 115). At the most basic level, I agree with Mel Silberman (cited in Boradbent, 2002: 115) who says that the most effective learning

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The benefits of trade openness to developing countries

The benefits of trade openness to developing countries Trade openness is beneficial to a developing country not only to foster foreign investment and technology transfer, but also to reduce poverty and child labour and to encourage human capital accumulation Introduction Trade liberalisation and integration of domestic economy to the world economy (although widely debated) has long been touted as one of the most suitable ways of inclusive economic development of third world countries. The proponents of globalisation often cite the stupendous economic growth of Asian countries like Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea and Singapore and emerging economies like China and India as success stories of globalisation. Moreover, the initial notion of trade openness of developing countries, largely motivated by access to FDI and technology transfers from developed countries, has also been linked to rapid economic growth and in turn to reduction in poverty and child labour in those countries. The issues of poverty, child labour, education and employability, health and housing, and basic infrastructure development are central challenges to all developing countries; however, the issue of poverty and child labour is most appalling. Chen and Ravallion (2004) reported tha t as per estimates in 2001 about half of the developing world population (approx. 2.7 billion) survive on US$2 or less per day and a fifth of the total population (approx 1.2 billion) survive on a dollar or less per day. ILO (2002a) estimated that approximately 211 million children in the age group of 5-14, in 2000, were involved in some form of employment worldwide. There has been no disagreement that poverty alleviation is the ultimate aim of economic policies but the more suitable way to achieve this goal is ardently argued and there seems no agreement on that. One of the important questions that have been consistently raised in development economics is Does poor gain from high economic growth irrespective of its characteristics? There are two opinions on that. The opponents of globalisation argue that trade-led economic growth of developing countries have helped only middle and upper classes and have caused further income inequity. Moreover, trade openness has caused severe dama ges to the world environment. On the other hand, many scholars believe in the so-called Bhagawati Hypothesis according to which high rate of economic growth can help reduce poverty and what drives the economic growth of a given economy is of less significance (Tsai and Huang, 2007; Bhagwati, 2005; Bhagwati and Srinivasan, 2002; Dollar and Kraay, 2002, 2004). Tsai and Huang (2007) studied economic progress of Taiwan for the period 1964- 2003 suggested that distributional and growth effect of trade-led sustained economic growth had been the major driving factor for poverty alleviation in Taiwan over the period. Similarly a number of empirical studies done by Agenor (2004), Sharma (2003), and Winter et al (2004) have suggested a close linkage between the fast economic growth and poverty alleviation leading to an agreement among scholars that participation in international trade can be the useful way for tackling poverty in developing countries. However, Tsai and Huang (2007) argue that there is no straightforward linkage between the trade openness and poverty. In addition to the two strands on the benefits of trade openness to developing economies there is another perspective to the argument which is the benefits of trade openness to developed economies. Dowrick and Golley (2004) in their study of dynamic benefits of trade openness suggested that the benefits of trade liberalisation were substantially greater for developed economies as compared to benefits to the least developed countries. The brief examines the role of trade openness in the reduction of poverty and child labour incidences, and development of human capital in developing economies. Firstly, the phenomenon of trade openness has been discussed. In the subsequent sections the effects (both positive and negative) of trade openness on poverty, child labour and human capital accumulations has been assessed in the light of empirical studies. In the end concluding remarks on trade openness as means of poverty and child labour reduction and human capital accumulation is presented. Trade Openness Trade openness may be defined as the extent of which a country partakes in the global trade and allow foreign firms to do business in its domestic market. It is of two types revealed openness and policy openness. Revealed openness is measured in terms of ratio of total foreign trade to GDP. It is clearly defined and well measured; however, use of prices (domestic or international) to value the trade ratio has been a cause of disagreement among economists. Studies that focus on revealed openness always attempt to understand the linkage between trade openness and economic performance. In other words, deals with finding about the fact that whether economies (and particularly developing) who partake more in global trade have high rate of economic growth that those who abstain from it. This approach has several disadvantages such as it does not explain why some countries might trade more as the high trade openness of a country may be the result of small domestic market, easy access to fo reign market and policy openness. Policy openness, as the name suggest, is measured in various ways such as 1) in terms of incidence measures of trade barriers; 2) trade flow measures adjusted for structural characteristics such as size and factor endowments; and 3) price distortions. However, policy openness is difficult to measure and all these measures discussed above have their limitations and reliability issues. The policy openness measure by Sachs and Warner (1995) is considered as the most influential and useful in estimating its effects on economic performance. They classified a country as having policy openness if it does not exhibited characteristics such as 1) typical tariff rates of 40 percent or above on imported goods; 2) non-tariff barriers amounting to 40 percent or more on imported goods; 3) a black market exchange rate premium of 20% or more; 4) an economic system based on socialist vision; and 5) state monopoly on major exports. However, the model has been critici sed by Rodriguez and Rodrik (2001) (cited in Dowrick and Golley; 2004) for many reasons. They argued that the crucial components of the model export monopoly and black market premium are hard to analyse for some Latin American and African economies due to their macroeconomic and political difficulties. Frankel and Romer (1999) (cited in Dowrick and Golley; 2004) produced a measure of constructed openness to trade by obtaining predicted value from regression of bilateral trade relations on geographic variables and created national constructed trade shares by aggregating it. The method has been used by various studies in determining the effects of trade openness on economic development (Dowrick and Golley, 2004). As far as the empirical studies on impact of trade liberalisation on economic development are concerned, it has been found that trade openness positively correlates with economic development. However, the measurement issues in those studies are highly debated. The studies by Sachs and Warner (1995), Frankel and Romer (1999) and Dollar and Kraay (2003) have been most influential. Sachs and Warner found that open economies experienced high GDP per capita (over the study period) and it promoted convergence in incomes in poor countries. Frankel and Romer analysed differences in levels of development of 150 countries and found that 10% points increase in trade integration resulted in 20% points increase in income per person (Dollar and Kraay, 2001). Dollar and Kraay, by using Frabkel-Romer measure, analysed decadal growth of per capita GDP of countries open to trade and reported that doubling of trade integration raised annual growth by 2.5% points (Dowrick and Golley, 2004). Impact of trade openness on poverty reduction Trade liberalisation can affect poverty in two ways through economic growth gains and income distribution effect. Tsai and Huang (2007, p. 1861) argued that countries open to international trade grow relatively faster than the closed economies because an open trade regime facilitates efficient transmission of price signals from the international market to the national economy, enhances diffusion of production and management knowledge, and improves domestic efficiency as a result of intensive international competition. The accurate price indicator from international market results in efficient distribution of resources in national economy based on its comparative advantage that leads to faster growth. The gains accrued through high economic growth rate further absorb in the economy and indirectly contribute to poverty reduction. In addition, higher economic growth also results in improved government earnings through direct and indirect taxes providing government sufficient fund for i nvestments in education, infrastructure, employment creation and other social needs of the poor section of society (Dollar and Kraay, 2004; Todaro and Smith, 2009). However, Tsai and Huang (2007) argued that in trade-led growing economies, the degree of poverty reduction largely depend on the efficient distribution of dynamic gains of economic growth or on the comparative advantage of the country. They suggested as most of the poor live in developing world and most of these developing economies have comparative advantages in labour intensive sectors, trade openness result in expansion of labour-intensive exports and thereby higher rate of real wage for labour. The effects of trade policies and liberalisation on economic performance have been studied by economists since 1970s. The main motivation behind the growing body of theoretical and empirical study on the subject has been the unusual growth patterns of some of the Asian, Latin American and African countries during the second half of 20th century. The observed differences in growth rate is assumed to be due to adoption of different strategies by these developing countries such as import substitution industrialisation (ISI) (by majority of Latin American and Sub-Saharan African economies) and export-promotion policies by East Asian economies. The empirical evidence shows that East Asian economies outperformed the growth rate of other developing economies who adopted ISI strategies (Yanikkaya, 2003). Dollar and Kraay (2001) identified two groups of developing countries termed as globalisers (who participated in international trade) and non globalisers (who did not participated in interna tional trade) and studied their economic growth post-1980s. They reported the fall in income inequality in half of the globaliser countries such as India, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand among others while income distribution of Costa Rica and Ecuador remained stable over a period of 20 years since 1980s. They further concluded that as changes in income inequality in most of the globaliser countries remained low the income of poor grew at an average of 3% (equal to per capita GDP growth rate) per year in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand and other developing countries. In addition, all globalisers grew faster economically and socially during the period 1980 2000. This suggests that trade liberalisation leads to decline in income inequality between the countries and reduction in poverty. The developing countries that participated in international trade grew fast during 1980s and 1990s and even faster than the rich countries during 1990s. The rapid growth led to the decline in poverty levels in most of these countries. On the other hand, countries that did not participated in international trade could not catch up with the world growth and fell further behind (Dollar and Kraay, 2001). Impact of trade openness on child labour The impact of globalisation on the incidence of child labour has recently gained much attention from researchers and scholars, primarily due to ethical concerns on exploitation of child and interest of organised labour in protecting jobs. Globalisation is defined as the active participation of countries in global trade and increased geographical spread of foreign direct investments (FDI). It is argued to have both positive and negative influences on child labour particularly in poor economies. However, the more globalised developing country have lower incidence of child labour. It is widely agreed that poverty is the main reason (if not the only) of child labour as poor parents living in extreme poverty often employ their children in full-time work for a living. Initially, in developing economies, a child engages in employment to fulfil the basic needs of the family but soon this temporary arrangement becomes permanent as children either cannot afford education due to financial const raints or lose their interest in education (Basu, 1997 and 1999; Neumayer and Soysa, 2005). The impact of trade openness and penetration of FDI on the child labour incidence in developing country has been explained from both the perspectives. The most compelling argument that shows that globalisation promote child labour is that trade openness increases the demand for unskilled labour in developing economies thereby raising the relative rate of returns to unskilled labour. As a result, incentives to invest in education and skills diminish causing increase in rate of returns to child labour which in turn forces parents to engage their children in child employment (Grootaert and Kanbur, 1995). It is also argued that free trade forces countries to gain competitive advantages through becoming cost-effective and a higher level of child labour can cut the cost significantly. Hence, trade openness could result in increase in child labour in developing countries with lax child labour laws. The recent cases of Nike, Reebok and Adidas are proofs that MNCs occasionally subcontract to enterprises that employ child labour (Palley, 2002; Neumayer and Soysa, 2005). Conversely, the proponents of globalisation argue that trade liberalisation will not only have the substitution effect but also income effect as well. The relative increase in the rate of return on unskilled labour will increase the income level of impoverished parents. Consequently, less number of parents would see need to send their children to work (Basu, 1997). It is also argued that in the long run, trade liberalisation may cause sectoral shift from low-skilled labour -abundant production to high-skilled capital intensive manufacturing due to development of technological capability making employment of children less attractive. The countries more open to trade often invest in education (primary and secondary) and skill development to increase their global competitiveness that indirectly minimises the incidence of child labour. Jafarey and Lahiri (2002) suggest that more open countries will have lower interest rate and provide better access to credit which will lower opportunity cost for education and subsequently incidence of child labour. There have been various empirical studies to analyse the correlation of trade openness with child labour. Neumayer and Soysa (2005) showed that economies that are more engaged in international trade and FDI have a lower incidence of child labour. Edmonds and Pavcnik (2002) in their study reported that a liberalised trade policy in Vietnam increased rice prices and causes reduction in child labour. They found that 30% price increase in rice resulted in 9% decrease in child labour incidence and in total the price increase caused reduction of 47% in child labour during the period 1993-1998 (Todaro and Smith, 2009). Impact of trade openness on human capital accumulation It is argued that a developing economy with a low income and low human capital accumulation can advance in a high income (and high human capital) economy by engaging in trade with a developed economy rich in human capital (Ranjan, 2003). In order to support the argument, examples of human capital accumulation, post trade liberalisation, of countries such as Japan, Italy, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, India, South Korea and Taiwan are often cited. Ranjan (2003) suggested that trade openness results in the rise of unskilled wage that further cast aside the existing constraints on investments in human capital which initiate the human capital accumulation process in developing countries. This eventually allows the developing economy to converge in to high-income and high-skilled economic state. The recent growth of East Asian economies further supports the argument which is considered as a result of rapid accumulation of physical and human capital due to increasing focus on international trade (Young, 1995). Bergin and Kearney (2007) suggested that turnaround in economic performance of Ireland during mid-1980s and even faster growth during 1990s resulted in the large scale investment in education and human capital development. The human capital accumulation in Ireland was partly due to high-demand of skilled labour as it attracted skill-intensive and high productive FDI industries through free trade policies. Ireland maintained its competiveness in international market through the combination of rising levels of education and open labour market that meant increased employment and stable unit labour cost (Tsai and Huang, 2007). The growth literature also suggests that to support high economic growth in a developing country the rise in education level and human capital accumulation is very critical (Bergin and Kearney, 2007). However, Ranjan (2003) stated that in spite the availability of substantial literature and empirical evidence showing positive relation of trade openness and human capital accumulation, earlier empirical studies (Stiglitz, 1970; Findlay and Kierzkowski, 1983) (cited in Ranjan, 2003) suggested that trade openness rather leads to widening of differences in factor endowments of more open economies instead of highly argued convergence. These studies are criticised for not taking in to account the possible influence of credit constraints on physical and human capital accumulation (Ranjan, 2003). Cartiglia (1997) suggested that as economies engage in international trade the prices of high-tech goods falls in domestic economy and demand for low-skilled labour picks up due to expansion of low-tech industries. This increased demand of low-skilled labour decreases the real wages of skilled labour in developing economies. He further argued as education sector employs skilled worker this result in the fall in cost of education making it more affordable to people. Consequently, in the long term the overall supply of skilled workers increases. On the other hand, availability of cheap high-tech goods due to trade allows developing economies to devote more of their skilled labour in the training and development of next generation skilled workers. Conclusion The assessment of various empirical studies done on the linkages of trade openness to economic development revealed that trade openness is positively correlated to the reduction of poverty and child labour, and human capital accumulation in developing countries. The economic success of East Asian studies and other developing economies such as India and China during the last two decades are testimony to that fact that integration to the world economy accelerates economic growth. It is found that higher economic growth causes reduction in poverty and child labour through income and distribution effects. Trade openness not only generates employment for unskilled labour but causes a rise in unskilled wage and improves income level of the poor. It provides higher tax revenue to government a part of which is invested in education, employment creation, infrastructure and other social projects that directly or indirectly supports poverty reduction. The reduced poverty further helps in reduct ion of child labour incidences as a result of distributional effect of economic growth. Moreover, the increased government investments in education make schooling more affordable to children and results in reduction in child labour incidences. As far as the effect of trade openness on human capital accumulation is concerned, as argued by Ranjan (2003), trade openness results in the rise of unskilled wage that further relaxes constraints on human capital investment and initiates the process of human capital development. This eventually allows the developing economy to emerge in to a wealthy and high- skilled economic state. Overall, despite the criticism of trade openness to be largely beneficial to developed economies, growing body of empirical evidence suggest that it does help the reduction of poverty and child labour and human capital accumulation in developing countries.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Anti-Death Penalty Essay -- Papers Against Capital Punishment Essays

Anti-Death Penalty History: The death penalty is not a new idea in our world. Its origins date back 3,700 years to the Babylonian civilization, where it was prescribed for a variety of crimes (Kronenwetter p.10). It was also greatly used in the Greek and Roman empires. In ancient Roman and Mosaic Law they believed in the rule of â€Å"eye for and eye.† The most famous executions of the past included Socrates and Jesus (Wilson p.13). It continued into England during the Middle Ages and then to the American colonies where it exist still today. In the colonies, death was a punishment for crimes of murder, arson, and perjury. Although today the death penalty is used for murder. Common ways of execution in the past where stoning, crucifixion, burning, breaking of the wheel, draw and quartering, beheading, garroting, shooting, and hanging (Wilson p.89). Today these styles of execution are thought to be cruel and unusual. Today in the United States, the death penalty is used in five different ways. These five ways are the firing squad, hanging, gas chamber, electric chair, and lethal injection. The United States applies these styles of execution because they are thought to be not torturous for execution. The death penalty has been accepted in the United States, but was not always approved by the people. In the late eighteen hundreds there was enough attention gathered to the death penalty to lead to restrictions. Many northern states abolished the practice all together like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Rhode Island (Wilson p.45). Pennsylvania in 1794 decided to revises its laws on the death penalty. The state decided to use the penalty mainly for first-degree murder. Around this time many states where deciding t... ...ald J. â€Å"Reports: Ineffective Assistance of Counsel and Lack of Due Process in Death Penalty Cases.† Human Rights Winter 1995. Whittier, Charles H. â€Å"Moral Arguments For and Against Capital Punishment.† CRS Report For Congress 1996 Wilson, Josh, M. â€Å"Death Penalty History†. New York: Fletcher Press. 1998[group+†¦/pageitems=[body] Http://[group+†¦pageitems=[body]

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Wellness Plan

Well I started to e myself gaining weight, I told myself that I was not happy with the way I looked and I was going to do something about It, I Joined Ballsy Fitness. That did not last very long, I was going to the gym two times a week for at least 2 months and did not see much of a change so I gave up going and Just decided to start eating right, that helped a bit, I was doing k I told myself and then shortly after that I got divorced and the stress from all the consequences of getting divorced made me loose a lot of weight, which was great but I lost it in an unhealthy way.I was able to keep the weight off, until I got involved in a relationship which after a couple of years went downhill and I became very depressed, which led to another eating binge and the weight gain came back in no time. With the positive influence from friends I was able to join a group at work in which we walked 3 times a day, 15 miss for both our morning and afternoon break and about 20-25 miss during our lu nch, we did this everyday we were at work. You are probably wondering what was the purpose behind this first paragraph? I Just wanted to give you a bit of my background with my challenges due to my weight.Now at the age of 33 1 am a mom again and so far I am lucky to have lost just about all the weight I gained during pregnancy. I have decided to keep up the healthy eating habit I adapted while being pregnant but I have now also added a 30 min walk each evening around the Jogging track at the community center. I plan on doing this until my baby is at least 3 months old where he can be a stroller for a longer period of time without a head support. I believe by starting off with the 30 minute walk I have had a little bit more energy during the day, instead of feeling like I have to sleep all day long as my baby slept.Together with breast feeding, the 30 minute of walking will help me burn more calories which assist with the weight loss and help eliminate the possibility of diabetes or heart disease by not being overweight. I know by not sticking to my plan, It could lead to negative results such as, continuous weight gain which can potentially lead to serious health conditions such as heart disease or diabetes, less energy to spend time with my family, also lack f motivation to get my school work done, resulting In poor grades, and which can eventually lead to me being unhappy and unhappiness can affect you In many ways.In order to make sure that I suck to my plan of choice I need to make sure that I make the time everyday like I have been doing to vaults the community center to put In the 30 miss to get my walking done. As my little one gets older I plan to Increase that 30 miss to at least an hour or even try to incorporate some other form of exercise at least two toner clays out AT ten week. As I make tense plans to lead a enameller Tie ten only obstacles I see that could prevent this is myself.I need to make sure I stay as discipline as I am now to follow th ru. Also I need to make sure that throughout my busy schedule I do find the time to get these activities done. I plan on sticking with this plan for at least a year, by the end of that year I plan to be at least boss as compared to the 159 lbs I am at now. If this is achieved, I will not only be a happier person but will be able to do more with my family, especially with my kids. My reward will be a long awaited shopping spree!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

“Is Racism a Permanent Feature of American Society?” Essay

The situation dealing with racism became alive at the start of slavery. The whites controlled the blacks years ago and today in some parts of America it is still happening. Racism had split today’s society into two parts. One side is the blacks and the other side is the whites. If you are not African American or Caucasian, then whatever the color of your skin is, that determined what side you was placed on. Some say that in the twenty-first century, racism is still in Americans Society. Those people are totally right, but the question is will racism be a permanent feature of Americans society. After reading Dinesh D’Souza’s response to the previous question, there is more than enough evidence to say that racism will not be a permanent feature in America’s society. Black people do crime and white people see it on television. White people do everything and anything that they can to keep blacks out of sight. If that’s following a black man around the store, or not hiring any black people to work for the whites, but a white person is always going to think twice about associating with blacks. A black man walks into a shoe and he is followed all around the store by a white man. The white man is not too close the black man but he is close enough that the black man knows that he is getting followed. All the way until the black man gets to the register and pays for his items. Then the white man says to the black man, â€Å"Have a nice day and come back soon.† The first thing that this black man thinks is that the white man was a racists person. But he was unaware about the other black man that came in before him that stole five pairs of shoes, and just walked right out the front door without paying. The only reason the white man was following the black man was because he did not want to get robbed again. The black man did not know that, so that’s why he felt as though the white man was racists. All whites are not racist but it’s just the bad things that some blacks do that hurt the whole race. A black lady comes to an interview to be a greeter at a restaurant. She has all the certification and experience that is need for the job. She answered all the questions correctly and gave great reasons why she should be hired. But for some reason she does not get the job and they tell her that she needs more work before they hire her. She feels that the company is being racist because she is a black woman. What she doesn’t know is that a black women before her got that same position and almost got their business shut down. The company made an agreement that no more black  would be allowed to work in that company. The black women had everything that she need for the job but because of the black lady before, she was not hired. That is another example of how some black people mess things up for the whole race and because of that blacks call white people racist. Derrick Bell believes that because the whites are in control of the education, they make it too hard for blacks to pass. Well black families are way different than white families, and they also have different beliefs. Some white families push their kids to do good and set high standards for them to reach. On the other hand, some black families just make sure their kids are making average grades and they are not being bad in school. While the whites children are on the right level or even above the grade level, the black kids are just barley pass their classes. When open house comes alone and the black parents find out that their child is not doing well in school, the first thing the black parents say is their child’s teacher is racist and the teacher is giving their child bad grades. But the whole situation is the difference between how black children are raised and how white children are raised. That does not have anything to do with any kind of racism. According to D’Souza it is just as excuses to not have to deal with the situation. To sum it up, racism is not a permanent feature of American society. Some blacks will tell you that it is but, those are the same blacks that make it hard for white people to trust them. Racism was very big at some point but after it died down, it all came to what race was going to rise to the top. The whites did their job and now because of they have biggest business in the United States. Black people are not determined to do a lot of different things. They just want everything to fall in their laps or they want someone else to do things they want for them. If some people didn’t mess it up for the whole race then we could be at the top of businesses and have our faces on build boards, but that chance was messed up long time ago. Racism does not have to continue in today’s society.